Shim-Tong fishing Cup Challenger Pro # 3

by stevenbell posted Aug 15, 2012


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The shaded are in the above photo is the Challenger Pro Limit area. The lower limit is the Bunjy Jumping Tower.

1. Tournament name: Shim-Tong fishing Cup Challenger Pro tournament # 3

2. Organizer: KSA

3. Sponsors: Shim-Tong fishing ---

4. Dates and times: 2012-09-09 (Sun)
05:00 - Reception and opening ceremony
06:00 - Tournament start
13:30 - Weigh in starts
14:00 - Weigh in and tournament ends
15:00 - Closing ceremony

Practice; 2012-09-08 (Saturday) between 05:00 to 19:00.

If you need a portable livewell, please collect from Andong by Aug 30th by contacting a KSA member.

5. Venue: ChungPyung Dam

6. Fee: 50,000won

7. Eligibility: KSA Challenger Pro / KBFA Elite Pro only.

8.: Awards (4,300,000 in total prize money)
1st place: plaque and 2,000,000won
2nd place: plaque and 1,000,000won
3rd place: plaque and 600,000won
4th place: plaque and 400,000won
5th place: plaque and 300,000won

9. Fish limits: Combined weight of 3 bass, minimum 25cm.

All livewells are to be open for inspection during the morning of the tournament (penalty for non-compliance)

Please read and understand all rules, regulations and penalties.
Please contact me if you have any questions - 010-8825-2611

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